Daughter of the King… I love Jesus and sometimes I say bad words.
Mrs. Dupriest… Marriage isn’t perfect, but it’s one heaven of a ride.
A Mom of four crazy boys that are my greatest masterpieces even when they recreate the WWE in our family room.
A Sculptor… Yes, I wear red lipstick, weld, and can handle a fierce angle grinder.
As a TWO on the Enneagram, I am a Giver, a Helper, in the therapy room and in real life.
I am hopeful that through connections and authentic relationships, change is ALWAYS possible.
I am tenaciously strong and, sometimes to the point of possibly being stubborn.
I am compassionate and optimistic, yet I am able to recognize that the reality of life guides me to be direct, when necessary.
I never back down from a challenge and I blame it on being a hot-headed, Italian woman.
I believe handwritten notes are essential and can deliver pure joy.
I’ve been told, by a Mennonite woman, that I work harder than a Mennonite woman.
I genuinely hope to provide you a place where you feel valued for who you are, not what you do.